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Good News & Bad News

The Good News: Susan had her immigration interview yesterday and should have her visa in her passport early next week. She can then enter the US anytime in the next 3 months.

The Bad News: Maya's passport application hit a snag as I have to prove that I have lived in the U.S for at least 5 consecutive years in my life. So after I return to the U.S. at the end of June, I need to FedEx my school records (if I can find them) or some other proof to Susan to finish the application process. I can not transfer U.S. citizenship to Maya unless I can prove this. It should only take about 2 weeks after that to get her passport so we are aiming for the end of July for everyone to move to California.

here's Maya's passport photo:

Passport Photo

Maya turned two weeks old yesterday, they grow up so quick these days. She's still doing just fine, sleeping a lot except at night.

The internet is still really bad so I can't upload many pictures, I'm well short of my goal of 1000 pictures a day but that probably makes Maya and Susan happy.