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The story

Here's the story of Maya's entry into this world:

Tuesday morning Susan and I had visited the American Embassy to drop off some paperwork then went and saw Spiderman 3. During the movie Susan started feeling some sharp pains that were a little sharper than the cramps she had been getting the last few days. Afterwards we went for ice cream and then home. We kept wondering if they were really labor pains or not, we tried timing them but they were all over the place. We had no idea what to do.

Finally about 10:00pm we decided to go to the hospital. We thought they'd laugh at us and send us home. Of course we had no electricity that night so I fumbled around in the dark trying to load the luggage in the car. We had to take the long way to the hospital as taking the side roads isn't always safe after dark but we made it just fine.

The doctor on call examined Susan and said she was in very early stages of labor and they would admit us. They were planning on inducing the labor at 8:00 the next morning (had to wait until the pharmacy opened) if the contractions were still strong but labor hadn't progressed. We hung out until 8:00 the next morning but the labor hadn't progressed much. Before doing the induction, they did an ultrasound to check the fluid around the baby and found that there was too little fluid to be sure about doing a normal delivery without stressing the baby, so after some deliberation we decided to do a C-Section.

About 11:30am or so, they wheeled out Susan (the wouldn't let me in the operating room) and about 12:30 the nurse brought the baby back to the room so I could hold it. Susan came back at about 1:00. After counting the fingers and toes we let out a sigh of relief, well I did at least, Susan was still pretty zonked out.

Because of the c-section we stayed in the hospital for 4 nights and then went home.