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16 Months

Maya turned 16 months a few days ago.

She's continuing to grow like crazy and talking up a storm, though its still mostly gibberish. She understands quite a lot now and is beginning to follow directions. You can tell her to go get a book and she'll get it, you can even tell her specific ones, "get 'baa baa black sheep'", and she'll usually get the right one.

She loves being outside and is always happy to go for a walk or to the park. She's getting pretty fast and falls down a lot less than she used to.

She is still very shy around strangers and won't look at other adults in the face. But as soon as the turn around, she's waving "bye-bye" to them like they were best friends.

She is crazy about lights and points every light out to us. She can now say "light" very clearly and whenever she see's one, especially if it just turned on, she exclaims "Light!".

Maya - 09-28-09

Maya - 09-28-09