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17 Months

Maya turned 17 months old today and continues to grow by leaps and bounds. She continues to be an extremely happy and easy going kid who fusses very little.

Maya - 17 Months

She is learning and saying new things every day. She will try to repeat just about everything we say (we better start being careful!). She will ask for things like milk (which she calls "Moooo" because she has a glass with a cow on it and we always make a moo sound when we give it to her.

She continues to be book crazy and and we can just mention a book and she runs to get it, I've seen her search for several minutes through her pile of books (we really need to get a bookshelf!) until she finds the one she is looking for.

She also loves music, she knows songs from just the first couple notes which just amazes me. The second she hears the first notes of itsy bitsy spider, she immediately starts the motions. She does the same with row row row your boat and about 5 or 6 others. We play the music through the tv, so she often brings me the remote and points at the tv to ask for music.

Maya - 17 Months

She can now point to her ears and mouth and nose and eyes when asked.

Her Elmo phase seems to have run its course as she no longer insists on carrying him everywhere, he'll occasionally tag along but most of the time he lies forgotten in her room.

Maya - 17 Months

She is doing better at night now and will sleep through the night about half the time. When she wakes up in the morning she yells "Mama, Mama!" instead of crying which is a good thing. She also now can open her door and freaked us out the other day when she woke up came out of her room and into ours without a word.

Maya - 17 Months